Facebook ads is an amazing advertising system that uses a giant social network along with advanced technology to serve ads. It allows businesses to create attractive, well-designed ads and tailor them to a specific audience at a low cost.

According to Statista, In April 2022, there were over 12 million Facebook users in Kenya, making up 21.3 percent of the population. Overall, 35 percent of users were aged between 18 and 24 years, and 34.2 percent of users were aged between 25 and 34 years. 

Advertising is the focus of the Facebook team, so they are certainly hard at work making this technology extremely efficient and profitable for marketers. Let’s find out why Facebook advertising can help your business grow and increase your market share.

4 reasons to use advertising on Facebook

There are several reasons that make Facebook a constantly growing advertising platform. Large companies and small family businesses benefit from the following four factors:

  1. It has a massive audience. According to Statista, Facebook has 12 million active users as of 2022 in Kenya. That’s more than a third of the entire human population and the number is still growing. That’s why you can easily find a Facebook audience to tailor your ads to.
  2. It offers exceptional targeting options. Facebook Ads allow you to explore beyond basic age, gender, and location targeting. You can tailor your ads to potential customers based on their buying behavior, life events like getting married, getting a new job, moving to a new house, etc., and the composition of their home. With Facebook, you can advertise to new teen drivers, veterans, working women, etc. – with a precision that has never been available before.
  3. It is profitable. The price of Facebook ads depends on three factors: your marketing goals, the length of the campaign, and the targeting options you choose. Facebook claims that you can run effective ad campaigns on any budget, sometimes spending even more money on coffee than ads.
  4. Provides tools for successful outreach. You can use the “Similar Audience” feature to find audiences that are similar to the audience that converts successfully. This allows you to exponentially increase the number of warm leads in your audience.

What types of advertising are there on Facebook?

On Facebook you can promote almost anything. From an external page, to an app, an event, or even a specific place. However, before launching into a Facebook Ad it is important to define what the final objective of advertising is. Only then will you be able to properly decide the payment formula, as well as the type of campaign you need.


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