
Twitter Verification in 2023

Twitter Verification in 2023

Now that Twitter has changed its verification process, it’s crucial to comprehend what the verification is about and the means of having your profile confirmed. 

In this detailed guide, we will discuss the Twitter Blue subscriptions; criteria for individuals or businesses undergoing the verification process; different types of verification badges along some tips about how to go through with it. 

In the end, you’ll understand Twitter verification fully.

What is Twitter Verification?

twitter verification

At the core of the Twitter verification is to authenticate Twitter accounts in affirming identities. Notable and active public profile with the blue check mark before that. However, in 2023, Twitter threw away its legacy system and went for a complete change into a fee-only Twitter blue subscription system.

The verification has moved to taking Twiter Blue and then more requirements today. This implies that it is not your regular account evaluation but the subscription of an “ordinary mark in the public”. Standard verification and new accounts.

However, there were doubts about what means verification stood in the whole process, which resulted in ambiguity on the verification. Some people say that since one now needs to pay for the blue badge, it is meaningless because credibility or influence don’t come with that term anymore. 

However, others regard this as a necessary way of ensuring the same eligibility standards apply to any account that can be verified.

Transition to Twitter Blue

twitter blue

In April 2023, following Twitter’s rollout of blue service provided worldwide, legacy verification came to an end all existing profiles that were verified were dis-badged until they had completely ended up with the new process.

 This is why people were against it then as they were simply ignorant of the extent of sharing the users were supposed to undertake via the subscription system.

There are many questions as to why Twitter chose to migrate in this manner. Some of the major arguments put forward by Twitter involved higher levels of accountability and standardization in terms of who qualifies for verification. 

In Legacy, the process was not open and was not consistent. All verified profiles have to subscribe with Blue and they must be compliant with publicly disclosed criteria.

However, the transition also generated controversy by shifting verification from a “merit-based” system to a paid model. Many felt this undermined verification’s role in distinguishing notable identities. 

Twitter argued Blue provides stability through transparent, consistent standards applied equally. It also introduces additional account categories through color coding. While controversial, the transition aimed to align verification with Twitter’s business priorities.

What is Twitter Blue?

twitter blue

Available globally, Twitter Blue is Twitter’s main subscription service providing extra features to paying users. The standard individual plan costs $8/month billed directly or $11 through in-app purchase. Subscribers gain access to perks like undo tweets, reader mode, folders, and limited ads.

A key Blue benefit is eligibility for verification once an account meets baseline criteria. However, passing review offers no guarantee – it remains at Twitter’s sole discretion. Some criticize this ties verification to payments rather than public significance. However, proponents argue it creates a structured, review-based system versus the opaque past method.

The subscription benefits have faced criticism as well for not necessarily justifying the monthly costs. Undo tweets and limited ads could be provided through other mechanisms without subscription requirements. However, Twitter views Blue as important to grow its business through recurring revenue streams.

Twitter  Verification Eligibility for Individuals

verified twitter account

To qualify for an individual verification through Twitter Blue, accounts must:

  • Be at least 30 days old with a profile photo and display name.
  • Demonstrate active use within the past 30 days.
  • Have a confirmed phone number for login security.
  • Appear authentic and avoid deceptive/misleading profiles.
  • Comply fully with Twitter rules against manipulation and spam.

This aim is to verify established, engaged individuals acting in good faith. However, some argue it reduces verification’s significance by enabling virtually anyone to qualify after a brief period of activity. But supporters counter that it introduces structure replacing the prior arbitrary system.

The bar remains relatively low, allowing most routine individual users the potential to verify eventually through a Blue subscription as long as they avoid policy issues. But reviews can take weeks or longer, requiring patience from applicants.

Verification Benefits for Individuals

For public individual accounts, verification through Twitter Blue can offer benefits like:

  • Establishing credibility and legitimacy as a valid presence.
  • Prevention of impersonation confusion regarding one’s true identity.
  • Access to additional Twitter Blue subscription perks and features.
  • Potential reach and discoverability boost from a verified profile.
  • Affirming authentic presence for professional networking on Twitter.

However, verification also brings added responsibilities and potential downsides individual accounts must prepare for.

Verification Responsibilities for Individuals

Key responsibilities verified individual accounts should consider include:

  • Attracting more attention, both positive and negative, for all public statements.
  • Heightened expectations to avoid policy violations or controversial takes.
  • More significant impact and fallout from any mistakes, or offensive remarks.
  • Ongoing commitment to accurately represent intended identity over time.
  • Loss of verification if account becomes inactive or no longer complies.

Public individuals must carefully weigh advantages versus drawbacks before deciding if verification aligns with personal goals and risk tolerance on Twitter. The added visibility requires a sustained commitment to responsible engagement.

Twitter Verification Eligibility for Organizations

To qualify for an organizational verification through Twitter Blue, accounts must represent:

  • An established company, brand, institution, or partnership.
  • Pay a monthly fee of $1000
  • Have an official website and social media presence for identity verification.
  • Post engaging, original content relating to the organization’s mission.
  • Use of the bona fide organization name as their Twitter handle.
  • Maintain a professional, distinct profile image and bio representative of identity.

This aims to verify significant organizations acting openly in good faith on the platform. Pseudonymous and individual-operated accounts would not qualify. Critics argue some criteria remain vague, but supporters say it focuses review on established entities.

Verification Benefits for Organizations

Core advantages of organizational verification can include:

  • Validating legitimacy as an established, credible entity worth trusting.
  • Facilitating more efficient recruitment, collaboration, and messaging efforts.
  • Boosting the credibility of any promotional campaigns or initiatives.
  • Clearly distinguishing the authentic account from potential imposters.
  • Affirming identity for those seeking to officially connect with the organization.

However, there are also distinct responsibilities organizations must consider with verification.

Verification Responsibilities for Organizations

Key responsibilities for verified organizational accounts include:

  • Careful monitoring to ensure all posting aligns with branding and policies.
  • Potential for increased public or regulatory scrutiny over official statements.
  • Accountability for all activity on the account regardless of who is posting.
  • Commitment to quickly removing any non-compliant or insensitive content.
  • Ongoing adherence to eligibility criteria to retain verification status.

Organizations must thoughtfully weigh obligations versus advantages and prepare extensive moderation strategies before pursuing verification on Twitter. One mistake can reflect poorly on an entire brand.

Types of Verification Badges

verification badges

In addition to the classic blue check, Twitter uses color coding to distinguish verified account categories:

Blue = Individuals verified through Twitter Blue subscription

Gold = Official businesses verified via Twitter’s Organization program

Gray = Governmental or multilateral organizations

Some other badges include affiliate labels linking related accounts, and special labels identifying state-run media or select governmental profiles. This aims to bring transparency while granting verified status to established groups based on their online presence and activities. Critics argue some categories remain vague.

The Verification Application Process


To apply for verification, eligible accounts must first subscribe to Twitter Blue. Then, they simply need to:

  • Ensure their profile meets all criteria listed above.
  • Maintain an active, policy-compliant presence for review.
  • Wait patiently as Twitter evaluates the account.

Ideally, verified badges should appear automatically once credentials are verified. However, reviews can take weeks to complete given the volume of requests. Applicants should focus on constructive engagement and remain compliant with policies while the process continues in the background. The lack of updates has led to complaints about process transparency as well.

Pros and Cons Summary

In summary, while verification offers clear benefits, both individuals and organizations must carefully consider obligations and risks before pursuing:


  • Establishing authenticity and trustworthiness.
  • Validating claims to notoriety or significance.
  • Facilitating networking and professional opportunities.


  • Heightened exposure and potential backlash from minor mistakes.
  • Added pressures to consistently behave appropriately.
  • Stricter compliance with all Twitter policies and guidelines.
  • Loss of verification for issues or inactivity over time.

The decision depends on goals, risk tolerance, and ability to responsibly handle verification’s effects on one’s online presence and brand. With preparation, it can strengthen credibility for the right accounts committed to constructive engagement. But one mistake can undo benefits.

Alternatives to Verification

For those unable or willing to verify, credible alternatives exist through diligent engagement. Building a large, quality community demonstrates solid roots regardless of blue ticks. Lessons include:

  • Posting varied, helpful original content others want to follow.
  • Cross-promotion over multiple reputable networks whenever possible.
  • Letting achievements and media recognition speak for themselves.
  • Asking respected contacts to endorse the account and its work.
  • Participating constructively in relevant discussions over time.

Gradual trust-building remains viable for any account focused on transparency, value, and positive representation. Verification enhances, not defines digital presence. Responsible long-term engagement matters most.

In conclusion, Twitter verification aims to affirm identity through consistent criteria. Eligible accounts must still weigh impacts carefully before committing to this visible status change. With responsibility, it can strengthen authentic voices – but credibility stems most from virtuous engagement over time too. Diligence and value ultimately serve accounts better than badges alone.


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