
4 Types of Digital Marketing in Kenya

4 Types of Digital Marketing in Kenya

Digital Marketing is a marketing technique that uses the power of digital technologies to create, manage and measure advertising campaigns. 

It is a form of marketing that focuses on the use of social media channels, websites, blogs, mobile apps and other digital devices to drive brand awareness, engagement and conversion rates.

Digital Marketing is primarily used by companies to grow their business in the online world. It helps businesses increase their customer base through different marketing techniques like;

Digital Marketing: Content Marketing

 Content marketing is the marketing of products or services using content. The goal of content marketing is to provide information that educates, informs, and entertains a target audience.

content marketing

Content marketing is often confused with advertising, but it’s not the same. Content marketing relies on creating and distributing valuable and relevant content to attract and convert customers.

Some companies use content as a means of educating their customers about their products or services. For example, a company might write an article about how to use their product in order to help customers learn more about how it works. Other companies might share helpful tips for using their product in order to make the customer’s life easier.

Benefits of content marketing

Before starting content marketing, it is important that we know its main benefits. Let’s see the main ones:

  • Improve the brand image: sharing useful content with users will affect the reputation and visibility of our company.
  • It is one of the cheapest and most profitable marketing strategies: you work organically with content creation experts who are often part of the company’s staff.
  • Improve your search engine positioning.
  • It returns the focus to what is most important: the client. We should never forget that the user is the center. By creating content for him we will remember him, adapting ourselves as best as possible to understanding him.
  • Consolidate the user-brand relationship: it is an excellent way to connect with the target audience and increase their engagement.
  • It is a very effective way to get leads and, therefore, sales. 

Content Marketing Strategies

content marketing strategies

  1. Create a defined content plan

Carrying out a content marketing strategy requires that you have a content plan that reflects all the proposals and objectives that you want to put into practice.

 For this reason, we recommend that you create a document in which you can order and coordinate the contents, including date of publication, channels of use and current status (to be carried out, writing, published…)

The content plan must be aligned with the general objectives of the company’s marketing strategy and have a methodology that is as simple as possible so that both you and your team can work with the greatest fluidity and vision.

  1. Experiment with different types of content

different types of content

Working with different content will allow us to identify which of them work best for us. Among the contents you can create are:

  • Ebooks,
  • Videos,
  • Reports,
  • specialized posts,
  • podcast.

  1. Exploit live events

live events

The information that users have at their disposal on the internet is infinite and that is why sometimes you will feel that your content goes more unnoticed than you would like. 

However, there is a value that continues to captivate the audience and that can make you a benchmark in your sector: the creation of live events.

The possibility of meeting virtually with an expert in the sector with whom we can connect directly and to whom we can ask our questions is a great attraction. 

Of course, a prior dissemination campaign by communicating the live event on social networks or through an effective email marketing campaign is necessary to gather as many people as possible. 

  1. Create unbeatable titles

headline titles

The design of original titles is a basic point with which to catch our audience. 

Do not abuse sensationalism or create false expectations, but think carefully about how to present each piece of content with authentic headlines.

 Knowing that only 20% of the people who read a headline end up accessing a resource should already make us see the decisive weight that this element has.

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)


SEO is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization, which is a set of techniques used to improve a website’s visibility in the organic results of search engines such as Google and Youtube, for example.

Good search engine ranking indicates that the optimized website should appear as high as possible in the SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) or Search Engine Results Pages, as the first page of results receives 75% of user clicks on search engines.

It is estimated that the first position in a search results page (SERP) receives 33% of clicks, the second, 15%, and the third, 9%, implying that the top three results receive 57% of user clicks.

What are the benefits of a good SEO

SEO benefits

The first benefit of a good SEO job is increased traffic to the optimized website from search results performed by users to increase the chances of conversion and thus of business, whether it’s making online sales, signups, or getting leads.

SEO must be done both inside (on-page SEO) and outside (off-page SEO) of the website. The first is the selection and use of the most descriptive keywords for your business or company, as well as the use of tags (tag) and meta tags (meta tag) as well as the page title (title tag).

Off-page or off-site SEO refers to the use of elements outside of your website that cannot be directly controlled, such as inbound links, also known as link building; do follow or no follow links; incoming links or backlinks; and guest blog articles.

Because SEO is a procedure that includes several actions that must be carried out on a regular basis in order to optimize the position of the website, it is an essential practice for the creation and development of professional websites, as well as a digital marketing strategy. 

Pay Per Click (PPC)



The majority of search engines provide Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing services. However, there is also the Cost Per Thousand (CPM), in which you pay based on the number of people who see your ad, just like in traditional media. 

The latter is a good way to generate branding, as the priority is to make the brand visible rather than to sell.

What is Pay Per Click Search Engine Advertising?

what is ppc

It is an advertising medium offered by some search engines for companies or businesses to advertise their products and services and thus attract new potential customers or obtain search engine positioning.

 The particularity of this strategy is that you only pay for the clicks received on the ads, unlike other advertising media such as television or radio, where the ad is paid whether or not it has achieved potential customers.

How does PPC help your business?

ppc advantage

Paid advertising or Pay per Click regularly places businesses on the first page of search engines, which makes them be at the right place at the right time when an Internet user is looking for the products or services that the company offers. 

This is an ideal strategy to get new prospects fast. Unlike Organic Positioning or SEO that takes time to capture potential customers, the Pay Per Click Advertising strategy helps to eventually get new customers from the first day of its airing.

What results would you expect to get with this strategy?

pay per click

To achieve success with this strategy, it is important to keep in mind that sales do not close on their own, the prospects that arrive through this type of paid search engine advertising campaigns are just that, potential customers that must be attended to quickly and well.

In most cases, search engine advertising campaigns require attention to the prospect to close the sale. The sales area of your company will be the one who must close the new clients. The PPC campaign does not automatically close clients. 

The only case where the campaign helps to close is when it is directed to an e-commerce website or online store, in which the conversion is made when the visitor clicks on the “buy now” button.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

social media marketing

Social media marketing is a type of marketing that makes use of the power of social media to reach a target audience. 

Your company can get in front of your ideal customer on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to increase brand awareness, share useful information, generate leads, and more. 

With 49% of the world’s population using social media – a figure that is only expected to rise – it has never been more important for a business to be present on social platforms.

The importance of social media marketing for business

What is social media marketing for businesses?

Social media can serve as an important link between a company and its customers. It’s one of the simplest ways for people to learn more about what your company has to offer, decide if your brand is right for them, and contact you. Social media marketing can help your company with all of the following:

  • Create connections


Many customers use social media to interact with the brands they care about. They do so because they feel connected to your business and your content, whether they comment on a post or share it with their followers. 

Social media allows your company to engage with customers in ways that other channels do not.

  • Increase brand awareness

brand awareness

You can tell the world about your brand through your social media posts. Share videos, thoughtful posts, and content from others in your industry. 

Get a behind-the-scenes look at your brand’s life and share brand stories with your audience to help people connect with your company on a deeper level.

  • Inform


People can learn about your products and services from your social media content, as well as how to get the most out of them. 

You can share tutorials, step-by-step guides, informative videos, and notify people when a new product is available.

 Social media posts are also ideal for sharing industry news and authoritative content that will help you position your company as a starting point in your niche.

  • Market


Of course, social media marketing allows you to promote your company! The incredible reach potential of social media marketing distinguishes it from other forms of marketing. 

A paid social media advertisement can go viral as more followers and non-followers interact with it via comments, likes, and shares.

Create a successful marketing strategy with social media

These high-level tips can get you started using social media to your advantage;

  • Concentrate on specific platforms


Not all platforms will have your target audience. Too many companies make the mistake of believing that they must be present everywhere. However, doing so makes it nearly impossible to concentrate your efforts on the few places where they should be.

Because there are already so many companies on Facebook, it can be difficult to compete. Your photos, video, and copy may get lost in the shuffle.

Begin by concentrating your efforts on two or three platforms. You can always grow once those platforms take off.

  • Choose your ideal client.

ideal client

You need to learn how to target your customers on each platform now that you know where they are. Twitter and Instagram rely heavily on hashtags, but Pinterest and YouTube rely heavily on keywords.

Understanding the personality of your buyers is more important than hashtag and keyword targeting. 

Enter the mind of someone who would use social media to search for your product, service, or type of brand. What do you think they’d like to see or read? What information do they seek, and how will they use social media to learn more? Create your content strategy based on your research.

  • Automate the process.


Today, there are numerous social media tools available to assist both casual users and professionals in managing their accounts. You can save time by using tools that automatically update your social media profiles with new information throughout the day.

By encouraging others to share your content from your site, you can also automate some of your social media posts by including social sharing buttons on your website. As visitors discover and digest your content, you’ll earn free shares.

  • Examine and adjust


Because social media algorithms change frequently, staying on top of your analytics is critical to ensuring the success of your social media marketing strategy. 

Businesses can use analytics tools on most platforms to track impressions, engagements, reach, views, and other metrics.

Pay close attention to engagement – likes, comments, and shares – to see how well your content is received by your target audience. Thousands of views but low engagement suggests that your current content is underperforming.

Check out these social media statistics to learn more about each social channel, social media user behavior, and social engagement in order to develop a strategy that works for your company.



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  1. November 04, 2023, 6:48 pm

    […] traditional advertising, internet marketing involves a publisher, medium, advertising agencies, consumers and the clients. Using Google Ads […]

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