
Facebook Page Removal

Facebook Page Removal

Facebook pages are a great way for businesses and organizations to establish an online presence and connect with their target audience. However, maintaining a Facebook page also comes with the responsibility of following Facebook’s rules and policies. 

Violating these guidelines can result in your page being restricted or removed entirely. 

This article will provide an overview of common Facebook page violations, restrictions, removal reasons, and tips for avoiding issues.

Common Facebook Page Violations


There are a few key areas where Facebook page owners often make mistakes that go against Facebook’s policies:


Spamming refers to repeatedly posting identical or nearly identical content, comments, messages, or friend requests. This includes tagging people who are not actually in photos and repetitively contacting people without their permission. Spamming is annoying for other Facebook users and goes against Facebook’s authentic communication policies.

Some examples of spammy behavior that could get your page restricted include:

  • Posting the exact same status update repeatedly.
  • Sending a lot of unsolicited friend requests or messages to people you don’t know.
  • Tagging random people who aren’t actually in photos on your page.
  • Commenting the same phrase over and over on posts as spam.
  • Creating duplicate accounts and using them to like your own page posts or comments.

Moderately posting legitimate promotional content is allowed, but repeatedly posting unwanted, duplicated content will be considered spam.


Scraping involves automatically collecting data from Facebook without permission. This could mean using bots, scripts, or other automated ways to pull data from profiles, groups, events, or other Facebook content. Scraping violates Facebook’s terms of service.

Examples of scraping behavior include:

  • Using data mining software to pull information from public Facebook pages for your own database.
  • Creating bots that access Facebook to aggregate user data, posts, or comments.
  • Developing scripts that automatically scrape Facebook activity for analytics.
  • Building tools that systematically access Facebook to collect public info without consent.

Any kind of automated mass collection of Facebook information without direct permission is considered data scraping and forbidden.

Fake Accounts

fake accounts

Creating and managing accounts under false or fake identities is prohibited on Facebook. Accounts registered under non-existent people or that impersonate real people will be removed.

Some examples of fake accounts:

  • Making profiles for a made up person that doesn’t actually exist.
  • Pretending to be a celebrity or public figure under a false identity.
  • Using a nickname or abbreviated name that doesn’t represent your real identity.
  • Registering an account on behalf of your pet or fictional character.
  • Having multiple accounts for the same person.

Facebook requires accounts to be authentic identities. Pages should also be registered and managed under real user profiles.

Hate Speech

hate speech

Facebook does not allow language that attacks people based on protected characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, or serious disease. Any page posting this type of content risks removal.

Some examples of prohibited hate speech include:

  • Direct threats of harm or violence targeting protected groups.
  • Dehumanizing language comparing people to objects, animals, insects, etc.
  • Statements of inferiority that reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes.
  • Calls for exclusion or segregation based on protected attributes.
  • Generalizations that state inferiority as a fact.
  • Physical, mental or moral deficiencies attributed to a protected class.

To maintain an inclusive environment, Facebook does not tolerate hate speech attacking people on the basis of identity.

Nudity and Sexual Content

Facebook restricts “explicit sexual content” like depictions of sexual intercourse, genitals, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. Pages that share this type of material may be taken down

Types of nudity and sexual content prohibited on pages include:

  • Photos showing full nudity of breasts, buttocks or genitals.
  • Content depicting sexual acts like masturbation, intercourse, fetish play.
  • Digitally created pornography or sex scenes.
  • Close-up images focusing on genitals, anuses or breasts.
  • Exposed male nipples except in context like breastfeeding or protest.
  • Language explicitly depicting bodily fluids and functions.
  • Content promoting escort services, prostitution or hookups.

Exceptions include nudity in art or protest, but overall Facebook maintains strict policies limiting adult content.

False News

fake news

Pages that deliberately share false news or hoaxes as defined by Facebook’s fact checking partners are subject to restrictions. Repeatedly posting debunked content can lead to page removal.

Examples of actions that will get a page in trouble:

  • Sharing an article identified as false by fact checkers as if it’s real news.
  • Posting manipulated photos portrayed as real events.
  • Spreading conspiracy theories proven untrue by credible journalists.
  • Promoting health hoaxes that could cause public harm.
  • Claiming false affiliations or endorsements by public figures.
  • Coordinating harm against people based on false news.

Facebook works to limit the reach of demonstrably false content that could mislead users.



Any pages that engage in fraudulent activity including impersonation, misrepresentation, or trading fake reviews will be removed from Facebook.

Types of scams and fraud that Facebook prohibits:

  • Impersonating people or organizations to mislead audiences.
  • Running phishing schemes to steal personal data.
  • Promising free gifts or rewards in exchange for likes, shares or installing apps.
  • Spreading malware through shared files or links.
  • Promoting exaggerated health claims or “miracle” products.
  • Using proxy accounts to orchestrate false grassroots campaigns.
  • Selling or trading fake accounts, likes, or followers.
  • Evading bans through other accounts or selling banned accounts.

Essentially any intentionally deceptive practices can get a page deleted.

Common Facebook Page Restrictions

facebook restriction

Before fully removing a page, Facebook will often restrict page activities as a warning. Here are some common limitations page admins may encounter:

  • Blocking the page from posting for a period of time, like 24 hours.
  • Reducing the page’s distribution so fewer people see the content.
  • Lowering the reach of the page so posts show up lower in News Feed.
  • Removing the page’s ability to monetize with ads.
  • Disabling page invites.
  • Limiting page administrator access.
  • Requiring posts to be approved before being published.
  • Removing some features like live video or messaging.
  • Demoting the page from being verified or losing a badge/title.

Facebook may also hide or label violating posts with a warning. These restrictions give page owners an opportunity to correct any policy violations before the page is permanently disabled.

Reasons Facebook May Remove Your Page

page blocked

If your page continues violating policies or commits a more serious offense, Facebook may remove your page altogether. Some of the most common reasons Facebook will delete pages include:

  • Repeat copyright infringements: Continually posting copyrighted content like photos, videos or articles without permission can lead to page removal.
  • Impersonation: Pages that pretend to be someone else, even as a parody, are often deleted. Impersonating another business, brand or public figure confuses users.
  • Trademark infringement: Pages that use another company’s trademark to mislead audiences or profit from their brand may be taken down. This includes using logos, slogans or brand names without permission.
  • Cyberbullying and harassment: Bullying, threatening or harassing specific individuals will get pages removed. Targeting people with unwanted friend requests, messages or posts crosses the line into harassment.
  • Violence: Graphic photos glorifying violence or attacking anyone based on protected characteristics will cause page removal. Facebook does not allow threats; death wishes or incitement of real-world harm.
  • Unsolicited pornography: Pages repeatedly sharing adult nudity and mature content in non-adulty groups face deletion. Sexual content should have appropriate age restrictions and consent.
  • Hate speech: Derogatory and inflammatory language directed at protected groups will get pages disabled. Dehumanizing generalizations about identity characteristics violates Facebook’s hate speech policies.
  • Fake accounts: Using misleading or false accounts to manage pages breaks Facebook policy. Page admins are expected to use their real identities.
  • Spamming: Repetitively posting identical irrelevant content as spam can lead to removal. Mass unwanted friend requests or tagging also qualify as spam.
  • Scams: Any fraudulent activity including fake contests, phishing schemes, and unsafe payment links can cause page deletion. Scams aim to profit through deception.

Essentially any severe or repeated violations of Facebook’s terms and community standards can result in page removal.

Tips for Avoiding Facebook Page Removal

stay safe

Here are some tips for abiding by Facebook’s rules and keeping your page active:

  • Read Facebook’s policies: Understand what content and actions are prohibited or restricted. Stay updated as policies change. Review the Page Terms and Community Standards.
  • Avoid spam: Post authentic content and don’t repeatedly tag people who aren’t actually in photos. Be cautious about posting the same content too often.
  • Don’t scrape: Use Facebook’s API instead of scraping data. Don’t use bots or scripts to pull data without permission.
  • Create real accounts: Use accounts tied to real identities instead of fake profiles. Don’t impersonate real users.
  • Moderate content: Actively monitor your page for any hate speech, nudity, harassment, and other violations in posts or comments. Remove anything against the rules.
  • Get consent: Only post photos, videos, and other content if you have explicit consent from the creators.
  • Avoid copyrighted material: Post original content or properly cite and link to copyrighted material you have permission to use.
  • Follow branding rules: Don’t use another company’s name or logo unless you have formal approval.
  • Report impersonators: If other pages claim to be associated with your brand, report them.
  • Avoid scams: Don’t promise free gifts in exchange for likes or shares. Don’t use other misleading tactics.
  • Disallow bullying: Ban users who repeatedly harass or threaten others. Report severe threats of violence.
  • Secure accounts: Use strong passwords, login approvals, and other security best practices to prevent unauthorized account access.
  • Be transparent: Use your authentic name, real contact info, and accurate business details so users can verify legitimacy.

Following Facebook’s guidelines and proactively moderating your page prevents the need for restrictions or removal. But if your page does get disabled, you can appeal the decision within Facebook.

Appealing Facebook Page Removal

facebook page removal

If Facebook removes your page, they should send an email explaining the reason for deletion and options for appealing, if available. To request an appeal:

  • Go to the Help Center and search for the “Appeal disabled account” form.
  • Select the option for appealing a disabled Facebook Page.
  • Enter your Page name and Facebook profile/email associated with the Page.
  • Explain why you believe the Page was removed in error and deserves to be restored.
  • Provide any evidence you have to support your appeal.
  • Offer steps you’ve taken to address the violations that caused removal.
  • Suggest additional safeguards to prevent future infractions.
  • Wait for a response from Facebook on whether the Page can be reinstated.

However, pages removed for severe or repeat violations are less likely to be restored. Ongoing policy breaches make appeals difficult. But providing context, expressing remorse, and showing you’ve taken remedial actions can help.

You may also try reaching out to the Facebook account manager assigned to your page if applicable. Work with them to understand the removal reason and discuss options for getting your page restored.

The best solution is preventing Facebook page removal in the first place through awareness of Facebook’s rules. But appealing with a strong case can potentially recover a wrongly disabled page.


Getting a Facebook page taken down or restricted can disrupt your marketing and outreach. By understanding common page policy violations, removal reasons, restrictions, and the appeals process, you can avoid issues that jeopardize your Facebook presence. 

Monitoring content, creating authentic accounts, and staying up-to-date on Facebook’s terms will keep your page active and safe from disabling. Regularly reviewing your page’s practices against Facebook’s guidelines helps minimize risk. If you do experience a page removal or restriction, filing a thoughtful, honest appeal is your best chance for reinstatement.


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