Facebook Page Removal

Facebook pages are a great way for businesses and organizations to establish an online presence and connect with their target audience. However, maintaining a Facebook page also comes with the

Unleashing the Power of AI in Facebook Advertising

Facebook Ads have become an essential tool for businesses to reach their target audience effectively.  With the advancement of technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful ally in

Sell More Online: Organic Facebook Marketing in Kenya for E-commerce

Selling online is an effective way to reach a wider audience and increase your customer base. One of the most popular platforms for online businesses is Facebook, with over 2

What is Advertising on Facebook in Kenya: Creating an Ad?

Facebook ads is an amazing advertising system that uses a giant social network along with advanced technology to serve ads.

Facebook Audience

Creating an audience is the only way you can advertise on Facebook. Facebook unlike Google doesn’t let you target people on keywords and isn’t intent based. You target your Facebook audience by using demographics, interest, and behaviours.

Facebook Ad Placements in Kenya

Facebook being no slouch they know that their ads must be in the best places for people to consume them. Prompting the users to act on the marketing messages to buy goods and services or become leads. With that Facebook provides different ad placement options.
