
How to Boost Your Business with Pinterest Organic Marketing in Kenya

How to Boost Your Business with Pinterest Organic Marketing in Kenya

Did you know that, according to socialshephard.com, there are more than 445 million active users on Pinterest each month?

Yes, and there has even been a growth of over 9% in a single year.

Because of this, it’s crucial to include Pinterest in your marketing plan.

The majority of individuals use Pinterest as just another social media site for hours of researching;

  • cooking recipe ideas,
  • A few planning tips,
  • Fitness programs,
  • Advice on products…

However, for digital marketers and business owners who are aware of the potential and functionality of this platform, it is a fantastic tool for increasing brand awareness.

There are many significant brands present and operating there. That must be evidence that marketing on Pinterest may significantly increase your revenue.

If you’re wondering why Pinterest marketing is a good idea for your company, it can help you:

To achieve the desired results, you must have a strategy that is specific to your business’ requirements.

Because of this, I’ll explain how to build a profitable Pinterest marketing strategy from (nearly) scratch in this article.

Let’s “dissect” Pinterest and what precisely Pinterest marketing is before we get into the specifics.

The Anatomy of Pinterest


With more than 2 billion searches each month, Pinterest is both a search engine and a social network.

Indeed, on this platform, users search, explore, save, and add pins.

In case you don’t know, these pins consist of a visual (photo, video, graphic…) and a link to the original source of the content, such as:

  • A chocolate cake recipe from a cooking blog,
  • The product page of organic soap.

Users pin (i.e. publish) their content or save directly from websites to folders.

This results in themed galleries, known as the Pinterest board.

So let’s get to the heart of the matter!

The 3 essential components of Pinterest are:

  • Pins,
  • The tables,
  • And the flow.

The pin

A user saves a picture, design, or video graphic to their account in this location.

Since every Pinterest pin has a URL, it links back to the original source.

Members of Pinterest can browse the goods and services you provide by adding your own Pins.

There are other pin kinds, which I will go over in greater detail later.


A user saves a picture, design, or video graphic to their account in this location.

Users can create Pinterest boards to organise their favourite pins (or Boards).

It is comparable to a folder, a photo album, or an image gallery, to put it simply.

Users can more quickly find comparable pins in their boards by grouping them together in this way.

For instance, there are tables on wedding planning and trip suggestions.

Boards for businesses provide potential customers a taste of the goods and services you offer as well as the interests associated with your brand.

Finally, favourites can be highlighted in a table of pins.

The flow

The feeds on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are comparable to those on Pinterest.

It displays Pins from your followers, ones that the algorithm predicts you’ll enjoy, and sponsored pins.

The “For you” and “Today” portions of the homepage allow users to browse two feeds.

To find content, they can also perform a search for a particular term or subscribe to feeds that are created automatically.

You can choose between a personal account and a business account when you sign up for Pinterest.

Be aware that while both are free, they serve various functions.

Select the professional account as a marketer. It does have a number of features that can assist you boost platform engagement and increase website traffic.

Marketing on Pinterest

pinterest marking

Marketing on Pinterest is all about leveraging the social platform to help you achieve your goal:

  • Increase your website traffic ,
  • Improve the quality and quantity of leads ,
  • Or sell products.

A few figures on Pinterest should arouse the curiosity of all marketers: 

Almost all searches (97%) do not include a brand name. Such a high percentage indicates that users are looking for sources of inspiration.

82% of weekly active users say they have purchased products after viewing content on the platform.

Not convinced?

Here are 6 benefits of integrating Pinterest into your marketing strategy.

  1. Traffic Generation

Each pin has a link to the source webpage.

Thus, it redirects users to:

  • A landing page,
  • A blog post,
  • A product page.

If you post Pins with an eye-catching visual, you will generate a lot of engagement.

This is undoubtedly Pinterest’s primary goal: to drive people to your website.

  1. Better Conversion

You can build a significant audience by regularly posting relevant new insights around your offer to your prospects.

But for that, put yourself in the place of your target:

  • Would you like to engage with this pin?
  • Does it provide value?
  • Does it encourage you to subscribe to your feed?

Tip: post pins for each of your blog posts, each of your videos… to spread your content and boost your notoriety.

  1. Visibility of your brand

You can create interest in your company, your goods and services if you share helpful answers, ideas, or inspirations.

Additionally, if your Pins are search engine optimised, your audience can still find your content even if you don’t earn followers right away.

This gives your brand credibility and distinguishes you among rivals as an authority.

Tip: Pinterest marketing is essential if you want to increase brand recognition, become more visible, and differentiate yourself from the competition.

  1. Proven Results

In case you were unaware, Pinterest was founded in 2010.

Since then, a lot of businesses have been utilising the platform to convert their leads into consumers.

Since the site is free, unless you run advertising campaigns on it, you can actually considerably expand your turnover while maintaining good profitability.

  1. Knowing your target audience

A highly personal platform is Pinterest.

Internet users do, in fact, spend less time talking with their peers and more time thinking about their needs, goals, and even aspirations.

Thus, Pinterest enables you to have a better understanding of the expectations of your target audience by treating an account like a person’s personal journal.

Advice: Examine profiles to learn about people’s interests, wish lists, and purchasing tendencies.

Though it varies, it should be noted that Pinterest’s audience is primarily female.

  1. Report Analysing

Like any platform worth its salt, Pinterest gives you full access to all the metrics you need to gauge the success of your initiatives.

The five key performance indicators that this platform offers are as follows:

  • Links clicked,
  • Impressions made, 
  • Close-ups (click a pin to enlarge it), 
  • Recordings made, 
  • Engagement shown.

Be sure you use the appropriate KPIs for your goal.

If you want to increase sales, you should probably drive link clicks. If you want to increase awareness, check-ins and interaction might be the best course of action.

Track impressions to expand the audience for your content on Pinterest.

Be aware that you can choose the best time to run promotions.

Lastly, it is simple to find high-potential keywords and test them on several platforms.

Similarly, incorporate Pinterest as a social network in your marketing strategy.

How to set up a marketing strategy on Pinterest?

pinterest marketing strategy

Are you prepared to begin using Pinterest?

Of course, the majority of specialists advise favouring quality over quantity.

However, more is needed for Pinterest marketing.

So where do you even begin?

  1. Look for trends

To keep one step ahead of the competition, follow developing trends.

However, straying from your primary categories is pointless.

To post fresh and distinctive Pins, keep in mind that studying popular content and subjects is essential.

Nothing in social networks, like most others, is definite.

With the addition of new e-commerce tools and technology, the platform is continuously developing and improving.

This will make it even simpler for you to figure out what kinds of posts to publish using the appropriate keywords.

Additionally, you can compare keywords to see which is the most popular and look at popular pins to get design ideas.

  1. Fine-tune keyword research

Undoubtedly, this is the most crucial action.

Indeed, the majority of pins are found online via keyword searches.

Therefore, if you want to be found, you must maximise your pins.

So, create a list of keywords while conducting your trend study.

Manual keyword research

Enter the keyword phrases you’re targeting into the Pinterest search field and examine the suggested keywords to go beyond Pinterest Trends.

With this approach, a ton of variations can be found.

For instance, submit your potential keyword ideas into Pinterest and look at the results if you need to advertise a marketing offer.

These keywords essentially become phrases, such as “Small Business Marketing” and “Digital Marketing.”

You can do a search using just your term to see the output.

Then you may write down those keywords and include them in the pin’s title, description, and hashtags.



Hashtags on Pinterest are to be entered in the description of a pin, and in the description of your boards.

Note: use a mix of super-targeted hashtags (#marketingpinterest) with broad hashtags (#Marketing).

Of course, it is advisable to use between 5 and 20 hashtags.

See the main types of hashtags on Pinterest:

  • Location  : #Nairobi
  • Industry  : #Marketing
  • The temporal  ones: #Valentine’sDayGiftIdea
  • The description or keyword  : #PinterestSEO
  • Calls to action  : #pinforlater
  • Brand  : #MCS

Observe the hashtags your rivals are using after researching your keywords. Simply begin utilising them for yourself.

Advice: start with a branded hashtag.

The first hashtags are, in fact, clickable and are shown in the feed.

By doing this, when someone clicks on your hashtag, they are taken to only branded material rather than a disorganised stream.

  1. Prepare your business profile
facebook page

To attract targeted followers and attract new consumers, you must establish a strong presence on Pinterest.

Making a very professional company profile is the first step.

A boring Pinterest profile is actually worse than having none at all.

If you’re just starting off on Pinterest, make sure your profile is set up correctly:

  • Download a banner and logo in high quality,
  • Create your tables so they are in line with your product and write a captivating biography.
  • Create boards so you may start pinning based on your goods and/or services and the ideals you wish to promote.

My recommendation is to use your list of keywords when building your profile and your boards, and to include them in the titles and descriptions of each of your boards.

  1. Research your competitors

If you’re new to Pinterest or are just beginning your market research there, start by looking into your rivals.

  • Do they use Pinterest?
  • Which media do they pin or distribute?
  • How are their tables set up?
  • Do they frequently receive engagements?

Obviously, you don’t have to do everything they do exactly.

But this fundamental study can assist you comprehend how to handle your own account better.

Warning: It’s possible that your competitors are using Pinterest without a plan. If so, avoid becoming motivated by what they do.

So knowing your competition is a smart place to start. Additionally, if your rivals are there, you should be there as well.

  1. Master the different types of pins

The most crucial components of any Pinterest marketing plan are your boards and pins.

Be mindful that there are several types of pins and that some of them function better than others.

Finding material that will benefit your business is the aim.

Pins with a clear call to action and images of a product or service in use perform the best overall.

Recommendation is to promote your sales or limited-time offers without holding back on include brand names and price information.

An overview of the available pin types is shown below:

  • Updated product information, including price, availability, and descriptions, on your website,
  • Story. Ideal for step-by-step instructions like DIY projects, recipes, a board of curated pins, or even a string of pins that create a story with text, pictures, and links…
  • Video. You may use video to convey a compelling story and draw viewers in by showing them your products in use.
  • Rich pin. This refers to pin formats that offer additional context and description,
  • Item. Used to come up with article or blog post titles, descriptions, and subtitles…
  • Shop the look. With these Pins, also known as Buyable Pins, users may easily locate and purchase the item shown on a Pin’s visual.
  1. Create a posting plan
posting plan

Now that you have a business profile, keywords, and knowledge of the content you want to deliver, it’s time to talk planning:

  • How often will you pin?
  • What are you planning to pin?
  • What will your goals be?

Note: Pinterest SEO is very important to optimise the visibility of your business in your target market.

Otherwise, you must also:

  • Plan the publication of your content,
  • Harmonise visuals on Pinterest and landing pages,
  • And join community forums.

In short, your plan should include:

  • A content strategy,
  • A management of your prospects,
  • And ongoing research into user behaviour.
  1. Execute, track and refine your approach

In order to start getting followers, you must implement your tactics and advertise your Pinterest Business account across all internet media.

Make sure you have an editorial calendar so you know what to pin when.

Finally, keep tabs on how well your Pinterest posts are performing.

To accomplish this, evaluate each of your pins’ performance to ascertain areas for improvement.

A/B testing should also be done using different iterations of the same pin.

This is the only way to post better Pins, increase conversion rates, and give your audience stuff that is interesting and helpful.


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