
How to Get TikTok followers in Kenya? 10 Tips That Work

How to Get TikTok followers in Kenya? 10 Tips That Work


Today in 2022, Tik tok has reached three billion users. Thanks to this figure, this platform is one of the most famous social networks in the world.

Tiktok has quickly become the ultimate social network for young people and is gaining traction in business marketing. And, by necessity, emerging, generating views, and being visible in the face of so much competition is difficult.

So we ask ourselves a simple question: how to gain TikTok followers? This article will provide you with all of the information you need to gain new followers for free and quickly.

Top 10 Tips for Getting TikTok Followers and Getting Famous

More video views = more followers, this is the basic principle of TikTok.

The more views your video has, the more likely it will be displayed on the “For You” page of TikTok users, the more likely you will get followers on your account.

Here are our 10 free tips for getting as many followers as possible on TikTok.

Create content for your target audience


One of the ways to get more followers on TikTok is to create quality content that resonates with your target audience.

Creating good content takes time. You shouldn’t waste your time creating content that your target audience won’t like. 

Your goal should not be limited to gaining millions of subscribers. Your goal should be to attract the right followers for your brand. This means you will attract subscribers who:

  • Connect and interact with your TikTok content
  • Will be interested in any product or service you offer 
  • Will buy your product because they like your content

You need subscribers who regularly interact with your content. The more engagement you receive, the more likely you are to appear on the For You feed. Appearing on the “For You” feed will help increase the visibility of your content. The more TikTok users see your videos, the more followers you will have.

There are millions of users on TikTok. How, then, can you define your target audience?

How to define your target audience on TikTok


Defining your target audience is not a complicated task. Ask yourself the following questions to help you: 

What product or service are you planning to sell? 

If you plan to monetize your TikTok account one day, the content you post needs to be aligned with that goal — create amazing videos that will promote your business goals.

For example, Joy Kendi, a lifestyle content creator, creates content for her target audience – fashion, hair and makeup enthusiasts. She creates makeup and beauty videos, photography and poses tips, and fashion and style videos.

She has found her niche and so far it is working very well for them. They recently reached 54.4 million followers on TikTok.

What type of content do my Instagram followers like on TikTok?

Most of your Instagram followers are also on TikTok. Ask them, via a poll or questions on your Stories, what kind of content they would like to see on TikTok. They will give you plenty of content ideas to create. 

Who are my competitors?

If you’re just starting out and aren’t sure what your target audience is going to like, take a look at the content your competitors are posting. Try searching for keywords or hashtags related to your niche. This will help you develop ideas about the type of content to create.

When you create relevant content for your target audience, you get more engagement. The TikTok algorithm favors videos with high engagement and will boost the visibility of your posts. The more people who see your videos, the more subscribers you gain.

Follow the latest TikTok trends 


Trending is the essence of TikTok. Whether it’s challenges or dance videos, there’s always something new that becomes a trend on the platform. If you want to increase your number of followers on TikTok, you need to take part in these trends. 

Participating in the latest trends allows your content to take centre stage – who knows, your video might go viral and get you hundreds of followers.

Tip: When participating in a trend, make sure your video stands out. Create a video that will grab users’ attention. Be funny and creative. 

Here are some ways to find out about the latest trends on TikTok: 

  • Scroll through the For You feed to see what other users are sharing. This will give you an idea of ​​what is happening on the platform.
  • Check out the hashtags and ongoing challenges on the Discover page.

When it comes to hashtags and challenges, the best thing to do is choose what fits your brand the best. Challenges and hashtags are among the most effective ways to increase your visibility.

  • Check out the hottest songs on the platform. When users find a song they like, they want to see what other videos have been created from that song. If you create a video using a popular song, you will increase the chances of your video being seen.

Here’s how to find the most trending songs on TikTok: 

  • Click the + button on the home page 
  • Next, click on the “Sounds” button
  • Once you click on the Sounds button, you will be taken to a page where you can see all the trending songs on the platform.

Use the right hashtags in your captions 


As on all other social networks, adding hashtags in the captions of your posts will help improve the visibility of your video.

Adding hashtags to your caption will increase the likelihood that your video will be seen in the For You feed. When users search for that specific hashtag, they will also find your video. 

You can either use general hashtags like #Fyp, #ForYou, or content-specific hashtags like #makeuptutorials.

The best practice is to use hashtags specific to your content. General hashtags are saturated, which makes it difficult to get your videos to the top of For You. More specific hashtags, related to your content, will make it easier for users to find your videos.

So, if you create videos related to beauty and makeup, for example, you can add specific hashtags like #makeupstepbystep and #beautytok in your captions.

Post videos at the right time


If you want to increase the number of interactions on your videos and possibly your number of subscribers, post your content when your audience is most active. You’ll get more likes, comments, and shares if you post at peak times on the platform.

You will find several articles online that provide guidelines on the best times to post on different social networks, but be aware that the universal solution does not exist. 

It is best that you do your own research. Take several weeks to experiment with different posting schedules and figure out when you get the most engagement.

Publish your TikTok content on other social networks


After uploading your video to TikTok, promote it on other social networks as well. 

Posting your TikTok content on other platforms like Instagram will help drive traffic to your TikTok account, help with  boosting the views on your videos, and above all, increase your number of followers.

The advantage is that TikTok makes it very easy to upload your videos directly to your photo gallery.

To save a posted video, click the Share button and then the Save Video button. 

Tip: Since TikTok videos are short, post them as Stories on Instagram and Facebook. You can also create a compilation of your best TikTok videos and post them on Youtube.

Since your goal is to increase your number of subscribers on TikTok, make sure you always add a call-to-action at the end of your videos to encourage your viewers to go follow your TikTok account.

Collaborate with TikTok influencers


As a brand, one of the most effective ways to increase your number of TikTok followers is to collaborate with influencers. 

TikTok influencers already have thousands of followers. By collaborating with them, you will be able to reach a wider audience. 

Take the example of Garnier. To boost their brand presence on the app, they partnered with several influencers to create different skin care routine videos.  These videos have helped in educating users on the different benefits and uses of their skin care products.

Tip: Don’t collaborate with an influencer just because they have a large number of followers. Find the best influencer to represent your brand. 

The best practice is to choose influencers who are directly related to your niche or industry.

Also analyze the influencer’s engagement rate. Some influencers have a large number of followers but a low engagement rate. The more engagement an influencer has, the more attention your brand will receive.

Use UGC to increase engagement 

user generated content

Hoping to get more engagement and followers on TikTok? You can achieve both of these goals through user-generated content (UGC). 

On TikTok, the UGC created by your audience will help you build trust in your brand, increase the number of interactions, and therefore, gain more followers. No matter how many followers you have, encourage them to share content related to your brand, and when they do, re-share it.

If you’re a brand that sells physical products, sharing UGC is a great way to increase brand awareness and boost engagement. For example, if you sell beauty products, ask your customers to create tutorials using your products. You can then re-share their videos on your account.

Tip: When you upload a user’s video that you want to share on your profile, you don’t have to worry about giving credit to the creator of the video. TikTok automatically adds the content creator’s nickname to any video you upload.

Here’s how to get user-generated content on TikTok: 

  • Start a hashtag trend: Encourage your followers to share content using a branded hashtag you’ve created. The advantage of using a hashtag is that you can easily track user contributions.
  • Use your bio: You can use your bio to encourage users to share a post related to your brand for a chance to be featured.

Interact with content that compliments your brand


A simple yet effective way to increase your follower count on TikTok is to engage with content from other creators that compliments your brand.

The primary way to interact with other users’ content on TikTok is obviously through likes and comments.

You are likely to get more followers when you interact with other people’s videos on TikTok because your interactions are seen by other users; which will lead them to view your profile and engage with your content. The main thing is original comments that will attract the attention of other users.

Tip: To take full advantage of this strategy, comment on videos of popular influencers on TikTok. They usually have a large number of views and interactions. This will increase the chances that your comments will be seen by a large number of people.

When users view your profile and like your content, they will subscribe to you. So, while you’re busy commenting, also share original content on your profile because ultimately it’s your content that will convince them to subscribe to you.

Use a CTA at the end of your videos 

call to action

Posting awesome content might not be enough to get TikTok users to follow you. 

Use a (call to action) CTA at the end of your videos to nudge them in the right direction. You should also add a CTA in the caption of your post. 

Using a CTA to directly ask users to follow you will increase the chances of them doing so. A simple “Follow us for more videos” will do. You can add it as a simple text at the end of your video.

Tip: you can also organize a giveaway. To qualify for the prize, users will need to follow you. 

Try advertising on TikTok 

TikTOk ads

Brands looking for a quick way to increase their follower count should consider using advertising on Tikok.

Advertising on TikTok, you can ensure your content reaches the right audience, which means more engagement;

Currently, TikTok offers five types of ads:

  • In-Feed Ads: TikTok video that appears in a user’s feed, between organic videos.
  • Brand Takeover: These full-screen ads are displayed when a user first opens TikTok.
  • Top View: A sponsored profile is displayed when a user opens their TikTok app. This is a version of the brand takeover ad unit that blends into an in-feed video ad.
  • Branded hashtag: A sponsored hashtag is placed on the “Discover” page. When a user clicks on this hashtag, they are redirected to a TikTok page with the brand logo, a link to the website, a brief description of the challenge, and popular videos using the hashtag.
  • Brand effects: Brands can design their own custom filter on the app.


In this article, we have seen 10 ways to increase your number of followers on TikTok. These strategies will allow you to increase your brand awareness, generate engagement and, as a result, gain more subscribers. 

One thing to remember is that creativity is the most important factor on TikTok. If you want TikTok users to interact with you and your content, create exceptional content.

Like most social networks, TikTok’s algorithm rewards posts that get a lot of interactions. So, the more engaged you are, the more likely your videos will be featured on the “For You” feed and seen by a multitude of people.


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