
TikTok in Kenya: The New Marketing Playground

TikTok in Kenya: The New Marketing Playground
tiktok business

TikTok: The future of marketing

TikTok users upload 15-60 second videos that are fun and entertaining. The platform supports in-app video editing as well as a variety of filters, fun effects, and music overlays that integrate with other social media platforms.

Comedy sketches, tutorials, lip-sync videos, dance videos, and other formats are among TikTok’s most popular content formats.

You can make your TikTok videos more visible by using trending hashtags.

This app has a wider reach than most other social media platforms, which increases the likelihood of your videos going viral.

This platform exists solely to allow users to express their creativity in an endless marketing paradise.

TikTok’s popularity is growing by the day, and more and more businesses are seeing it as an essential marketing tool.

The sections that follow go over the main advantages of TikTok marketing and why you need to implement it in your marketing campaigns.

10 reasons marketers need to be on TikTok

It is no longer unknown that businesses that are not on TikTok are missing out on a lot of business opportunities. Here are the top 10 reasons why marketers need to be on TikTok.

  1. TikTok for Business makes digital marketing easier

 TikTok for Business has numerous advantages for marketing your brand.

You can connect and engage with many young audience members thanks to TikTok’s predominantly younger demographic.

TikTok Business is a fantastic all-in-one advertising platform. You can obtain everything you require to launch an effective marketing campaign. TikTok for Business allows you to get everything you want from your video marketing campaign, whether it’s creating an ad or setting a budget, finding the best audience or analyzing data.

TikTok for Business allows brands to put their creative skills to the test while developing marketing campaigns. And, if you need assistance creating authentic, eye-catching ads, the online learning center (Ads Manager) is here to help.

  1. Choose from a wide range of ad types
want ads

TikTok for Business also allows you to create innovative advertisements that meet all marketing needs and make your brand popular with the masses. You can create brand challenges for users and invite them to participate using a TikTok for business account. 

If the challenge is unique, it is more likely to go viral on the platform, generating additional exposure for your brand.

Here are the five types of ads you can run on TikTok and drive traffic:

  • In-feed ads,
  • The hashtag challenges,
  • Brand takeovers,
  • Brand effects.
  1. Redefining influencer marketing on Tiktok

TikTok has emerged as a hub for influencer marketing. According to a recent study, influencers on TikTok have an engagement rate of 17.96%, while the figures for Instagram and YouTube are 3.86% and 1.63%, respectively.

As a result, getting an influencer to speak positively about your brand can be extremely beneficial.

In the video, an influencer can talk about your products or services. They can also include a link to your website in the video description to entice their subscribers to visit your website and/or purchase your products.

  1. Reach the audience that matters on TikTok

Finding the right audience is critical in online marketing. TikTok allows you to reach the audience that is most important to your brand. However, it is safe to say that TikTok is not the best platform for reaching an older audience.

More than 60% of TikTok users are between the ages of 16 and 24; raise the maximum age to 34, and more than 80% of users join. As a result, TikTok is the best platform for attracting a young audience.

  1. Create content like a pro on TikTok

TikTok thrives primarily on viral content. To make your brand extremely popular, you must have a strong theme or audience connection. All of this is simple if you use the best video editor.

The best video editors, such as InVideo or Inshot, allows you to create a video in a format appropriate for the platform to which you intend to upload it. TikTok videos should be snappy and fast, whereas YouTube videos can be informative and slow.

  1. Hashtags on TikTok bring marketing campaigns to life

Hashtags on TikTok help you reach an organic audience. 

Here is how you can define a marketing strategy around hashtags:

  • Find trending hashtags: You can locate these hashtags on the “Discover” page. Determine whether or not a hashtag is relevant to your brand or business and post with a trending hashtag.
  • Look at influencers Take a few hints of hashtags used by influencers and copy them to test the effect.
  • Use standard hashtags: Certain hashtags, such as #viral, #love, etc., are generally popular. You can use these hashtags to check the impact.
  1. The focus is on the content

TikTok, unlike Instagram, is primarily focused on content. TikTok marketing relies heavily on content. This has the potential to increase your marketing output.

TikTok users appreciate that you do not run advertisements and instead focus on entertaining people. As a result, you should ideally discover what excites viewers and select content that best meets their needs. Once your content has viral elements, it will appear in users’ “For You” pages, increasing the visibility of your brand.

  1. Your creativity gets the right recognition

TikTok is an excellent platform for showcasing your creativity and being recognized for being unique. Create content that provokes debate and sparks discussion.

If you can start a trend, you’ll be amazed at how enthusiastic users are about your content. Furthermore, the more they relate to your ad topic, the more publicity you will receive.

  1. Decode out-of-the-box analytics to gauge the performance of your marketing efforts

TikTok, like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, allows you to evaluate metrics and track the effectiveness of your video advertisements. However, the “Analytics” feature may be restricted to TikTok Pro account holders only.

If you’re wondering how much a TikTok Pro account costs, the good news is that it’s completely free. You only need to activate the feature to see all of the important details about your content, followers, and visibility.

  1. Catch trends early and use them 

TikTok is an excellent resource for identifying current trends. The TikTok algorithm makes it simple for anyone to identify current trends and create relevant content.

Another advantage of TikTok trends is that they are never static, which means you will have fun creating and testing content to keep your audience happy.

Why is it the social network of the future for Digital Marketing?

TikTok has a very specific user population:

By targeting everyone, new social media platforms are attempting to take over Facebook. TikTok, on the other hand, is not like this.

They targeted younger audiences not only for customer acquisition campaigns, but also for an app with a millennial audience.

They concentrated on the front-facing camera and viral video content, which has assisted millions of millennials in becoming TikTok stars.

All of this is possible without the need for production studios or high-end equipment, which are essential for growth on platforms such as YouTube and Instagram.

TikTok is unquestionably the best platform for brands looking to reach an audience aged 18 to 34.

TikTok is growing rapidly:

TikTok is growing rapidly.

Thanks to the investment of ByteDace and the acquisition of Musical.ly in 2017, TikTok is the fastest growing social media network.

It overtook Instagram for total downloads, with more than three billion downloads, as of 2022.

TikTok has gained great momentum that has led it to overtake Instagram with over 49% more app downloads in 2018 alone.

Influencer marketing at low cost:

Brands should capitalize on the limitless potential of influencer marketing.

TikTok influencer marketing isn’t a “thing,” but that doesn’t mean it won’t work.

This implies that your competitors are not utilizing it.

So it’s inexpensive, and with the right growth hack, you can start a trend that will bring a ‘Return On Ad Spend’ ROAS that is difficult to achieve on other platforms.

TikTok is focused on smart growth:

TikTok is growing, despite the fact that its style is similar to that of other platforms on the market.

The extensive testing they have done in the Chinese market has contributed to the appeal and success of the new features it is launching.

The introduction of tools designed to protect users from harassment and abuse is the clearest example of this.

TikTok has already introduced numerous options for filtering out unwanted attention and controlling privacy and profile data.

TikTok also teaches users how to use the platform properly and how to keep young audiences safe.

Other platforms have these features as well, but they were added much later.

TikTok is a viral video platform:

TikTok users spend more time in apps than the average Instagram and Snapchat user.

After a brief analaysis, we conclude that the type of interaction could be more meaningful because you must interact with the feed rather than simply scrolling.

More than one million monthly active users in Kenya alone spend an average of 46 minutes per day on the app.

Users can now watch over 150 videos.

With viral videos as the primary type of content, low-cost viral marketing campaigns are possible.

TikTok influencer marketing solutions can reach an audience that would otherwise be inaccessible.

This is yet another indication that TikTok is unique, that it is more advanced than competitors.

Indications are promising, and if it can expand, it may attract ad spend from those looking to reach younger markets.

It’s time for your marketing team to download it and put it through its paces with a marketing campaign that could yield results you never imagined possible.

TikTok: future search engine?

TikTok is no longer just overshadowing YouTube and Instagram; it is also beginning to steal the spotlight from Google. TikTok is preferred by nearly half of 18-24 year olds over Google for some of their research.

“Our research found that approximately 40% of young people prefer TikTok or Instagram to Google Maps when looking for something like a restaurant.” – Prabhakar Raghavan, vice president in charge of Google’s Knowledge & Information organization.

Why use TikTok as a search engine rather than Google?

Although Google remains the most popular search engine on the internet, so-called vertical search engines are becoming increasingly important in social media strategy

They are more restricted, allowing for more precise targeting of Internet user requests. For example, LinkedIn will be able to help Internet users find job opportunities more quickly, Pinterest will be more useful for decorating ideas, and so on.

TikTok has the advantage of having numerous “sides” that cover an infinite number of topics, including far more “niche” areas, or sub-categories, that would be difficult to find on Google. Furthermore, the “for you page” is intended to introduce Internet users to new topics that may be of interest to them. TikTok has helped some users discover new interests!

TikTok has a more playful and condensed appearance than a Google article. Following a cooking recipe with a dynamic creator on TikTok will be more entertaining than reading a recipe on a blog. 

For many subjects, the visual aspect is also more telling: even if it means searching for a drawing tutorial, you might as well watch a creator live rather than reading an article step by step.

TikTok videos allow creators to share not only their knowledge, but also their personality and universe. Thus, by searching for inspiration for a hippie-style summer outfit on TikTok, for example, the user will be able to discover designers to follow, as opposed to Google, which is much more impersonal. Knowing that Generation Z values the human side, it is not surprising that they prefer to use TikTok.

How to optimize TikTok for SEO?

How can you make your TikTok content stand out? TikTok’s search engine has been greatly optimized in recent months, making the use of keywords for SEO even more important. A few hashtags are insufficient (though they should not be overlooked). Keywords should be prominent in both the title and the description of the video.

On TikTok, you must maintain consistency and avoid scattering: always use the same hashtags so that the algorithm highlights your content to users who search for your keywords. As a result, you must carefully consider the types of content you will publish in relation to your field of activity. 

Working on your profile is also important; your keywords must stand out.


Now that you know the many benefits of marketing on TikTok, visit any video editing app such as Inshot to step up the video production process. 

Inshot allows you to add compelling sounds and images for free and grab the audience’s attention for stellar delivery.


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