
Real Estate and Social Media in Kenya

Real Estate and Social Media in Kenya

In today’s digital age, social media has become an indispensable part of our lives. People use social media for entertainment, communication, education, and even shopping. With more than 3.8 billion social media users worldwide, it has become an essential platform for businesses to connect with their target audience.

Real estate agencies are no exception. In this article, we will discuss why launching your real estate agency on social networks is crucial in today’s market. We have also identified some content ideas for you to use on your social networks.

Importance of Social Media for Real Estate Agencies

SMM for Real estate

Gone are the days when real estate agencies relied solely on traditional marketing methods such as billboards, flyers, and newspaper ads. In today’s market, social media is a powerful tool for real estate agencies to reach their target audience, build their brand, and generate leads. Here are some reasons why social media is essential for real estate agencies:

Building Brand Awareness

Social media is an excellent platform to showcase your brand and build brand awareness. By sharing your agency’s vision, values, and unique selling propositions, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract potential customers. Posting regular updates, engaging with your audience, and running targeted ads can help you increase your brand’s visibility and recognition.

Connecting with Potential Customers

Social media allows real estate agencies to connect with potential customers and engage with them in real-time. By using social media, you can answer their questions, provide them with valuable information, and build a relationship with them. This can help you build trust and credibility, which can lead to more business opportunities in the future.

Cost-Effective Marketing

Compared to traditional marketing methods, social media marketing is relatively inexpensive. With the right social media strategy, you can reach a large audience without spending a lot of money. You can also target your audience based on their demographics, interests, and behaviors, which can increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Building Customer Loyalty

Social media is an excellent platform to build customer loyalty. By engaging with your customers, responding to their feedback, and providing them with valuable content, you can create a loyal customer base that will advocate for your brand. This can lead to repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews, which can help you grow your business.

Improving Customer Service

Social media is also an excellent platform to improve customer service. By providing your customers with an easy way to contact you, you can address their concerns and issues in a timely and efficient manner. This can help you build a positive reputation and improve your customer retention rate.

Leveraging Visual Content

Real estate is a visual industry, and social media is an excellent platform to showcase your properties through high-quality images and videos. By leveraging visual content, you can create a compelling story that will engage your audience and increase your chances of generating leads.

Measuring Your Success

Social media provides real estate agencies with valuable insights into their performance. By tracking your social media metrics, such as engagement, reach, and conversion rate, you can measure the effectiveness of your social media strategy and make data-driven decisions to improve your performance.

“10 Content Ideas for Your Real Estate Agency Across all Social Networks”

viral content

As a real estate professional, creating a content plan for your social networks is not simple. It requires organization and, most importantly, inspiration. Selling a product or service, especially in real estate, requires daily work and strategic thinking. We have identified some content ideas to inspire you to animate your social networks and help you achieve your social media goals to generate qualified leads.

1.      “Behind the scenes” posts

Posting “behind the scenes” allows you to engage your fans and subscribers, generating a lot of engagement from your social community. You can show behind-the-scenes content of your real estate agency, such as posts on the signing of a new mandate or the official sale of a property by your agency.

Taking photos with buyers and/or sellers can greatly humanize your news feed from your social networks, and showcase your rigour and professionalism by showing a successful real estate transaction. You can also post during your field prospecting, or during one of your real estate negotiators involved, to show one of the stages of your activity.

It is also possible to share “off” moments with your team, such as a photo of a meal between agency employees, a photo of a company evening, or even a colleague’s birthday. The goal is to humanize your real estate agency and make it closer to your audience, without crossing the professional barriers of exchange.

2.      Share customer reviews

No commercial entity can ignore customer reviews, which have become prevalent in the choice of customers. For an agency, customer reviews can make a difference in the choice of future sellers, buyers, tenants, lessors, or investors.

The testimonial of your customers is qualitative content that enhances the work of your teams and your agency, but also highlights your community. It is thanks to customer reviews that an individual with a real estate project will call on your real estate agency.

You can distribute customer testimonials you have on your Google business listing (e.g. Google My Business) and make them viral on all your other professional social networks (Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).

3.      Disseminate news on the sector

Disseminating content related to real estate news is very relevant for your real estate agency or activity. Internet users interested in the real estate field are looking for information.

You can target your city or region, distribute key figures on the price per square meter for the purchase of an apartment and a house in your area, for example, but also the number of real estate transactions in the area over the previous year.

4.      Promote blog posts

Thanks to social networks, you can relay the articles you write on your website to your entire community in the form of clickable links. By sharing them on this type of media, this will allow your subscribers to be redirected to your site and to be able to consult all the real estate that you have.

In addition to the obvious attraction for your social community, this has a beneficial effect on your website’s natural referencing (SEO). By writing content on your site and repatriating your subscribers to this one, not only do you bring Internet users to your website (with your sales announcements, etc.) but you also considerably increase the reading time. You are a winner on all counts.

5.      Promote your services

 In this type of content, you can highlight the services you offer to all of your customers and provide them with a way to contact your real estate agency. In addition to information content, you can also promote your agency’s brand through its skills and services.

For example, if your real estate valuation service is free or if you have different agency fees from other real estate professionals, make sure to let your audience know. If you have a rental management division or real estate development services, highlight these skills and services as well.

Finding a trustworthy and professional real estate professional can be difficult for many internet users who are not familiar with this industry.

6.      Publish quotes

Regardless of posts related to your business, quotes are often appreciated by followers. You can share quotes either in connection with the commitments conveyed by your real estate agency or positive quotes.

Make sure to attach a visual that will allow your subscribers to share on their personal profile. Sharing inspirational quotes on a regular basis will build loyalty among readers who follow these mantras.

Make sure to present your citations in a consistent and recognizable format each time to unconsciously identify your agency’s brand immediately with this post format.

7.      Stream short videos

Short videos have become a trending format on social media, thanks to the popularity of Tiktok and Instagram reels.

This new format has immediately become popular among internet users because it is very engaging. Users prefer this video format to highlight the daily life of a real estate agent or to showcase your real estate property through virtual visits.

You don’t need to be an accomplished videographer; your smartphone allows you to make short videos without worrying. Otherwise, you can use Instagram or Tiktok Reels directly and save your video to share it again.

8.      Offer contests

Contests are a great way to boost engagement on your social media posts and expand your community. It generates many reactions and makes it possible to reach a large number of people through sharing and commenting.

Opt for a contest on the occasion of commercial holidays such as Easter, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, etc. or on the anniversary date of your real estate agency. Think of an attractive prize that will encourage participation.

9.      Share your job offers

Many internet users look for jobs on social media. By posting your job offers there, you can reach as many people as possible by sharing on groups specific to real estate employment in your sector.

10.  Share your goods exclusively

As a real estate agent, signing exclusive mandates is always more valuable when selling a property. This means that you are the only real estate professional for a given period to have this mandate in your portfolio.

It’s a boon for your agency’s strategy and for your social networks. Don’t hesitate to promote these exclusive properties. Not only will you have all the buyer leads, but it also testifies to the quality of your agency (sellers who have trusted you completely to be the only vehicle for selling their property).


In conclusion, launching your real estate agency on social networks is a smart business move in today’s digital age. By establishing a strong presence on social media, you can reach a wider audience, build trust with potential clients, and generate more leads.

Social media provides a unique opportunity to connect with your target audience on a more personal level. By sharing valuable content, engaging with your followers, and addressing their concerns and questions, you can establish yourself as a trusted authority in the real estate industry.

Moreover, social media allows you to showcase your properties through high-quality visuals such as photos, videos, and virtual tours, which can entice potential buyers and sellers to work with you.

It’s important to note that launching a successful social media campaign for your real estate agency requires time, effort, and consistency. You must identify your target audience, choose the right social media platforms, create a content calendar, invest in high-quality visuals, engage with your audience, run targeted ads, and measure your success.

The benefits of launching your real estate agency on social networks are undeniable. By leveraging the power of social media, you can elevate your brand, increase your visibility, and ultimately grow your business.


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  1. September 04, 2023, 9:06 am

    […] power of social media lies in its accessibility. It gives architects a stage that welcomes both seasoned pros and […]

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