
“Maximize your real estate marketing budget with Google Ads in Kenya”

“Maximize your real estate marketing budget with Google Ads in Kenya”

Discover the best acquisition strategies and best practices for improving your online visibility and generating qualified leads and prospects as a real estate agency in 2023 in this article.

You need leads, whether you are a small or large real estate agency, a franchisee or not, or even independent real estate professionals. It is impossible to achieve your business objectives without these prospects.

Today, we’ll show you how to create and manage Google Ads campaigns for real estate. We will walk you through the steps that must be taken in order to generate a hundred leads per month for activities in the real estate sector.

For several years, Google Ads has been one of the primary sources for several major players in the real estate sector. Networks of agencies and agents can sometimes generate more than 10,000 leads per year and earn millions in commission thanks to leads generated by Google Ads campaigns.

When used correctly, the platform can be a true B2B acquisition lever. When you launch your first Google Ads campaigns and they run smoothly, you will be able to generate leads on a continuous basis and even improve them to increase conversions and income.

Why should the real estate industry use Google Ads?

real estate agency

A legitimate question must arise when you begin reading this article. Are Google Ads campaigns appropriate for your real estate business? You’ve probably heard or read that many professionals from various industries have tried to use Google Ads to accelerate their business development, but the campaigns have had little success.

To begin, remember that a Google Ads campaign is a long-term strategy. Make a plan of action and try to stick to it so that the effects can be felt before you stop. You can tweak your strategy and make changes on the fly, but in order to create a strategy that works and optimize it, you must have a common thread and a fairly clear vision of what you want to achieve.

When you first begin using Google Ads, it is more efficient to bid on specific keywords with low search volume rather than highly competitive keywords, which can cost you a lot of money in a short period of time. This will make it easier for you to achieve higher display positions in search results, as well as generate more leads for your business.

For example, if you target keywords like “luxury real estate,” you will have a much more difficult time generating leads than if you work on specific niches like “why you need a realtor.” The better your results will be if you can target a specific segment for your Google Ads campaigns.

However, as a real estate agent, it is also critical to work on your close and extended network in addition to paid marketing campaigns. Always remember that your satisfied customers can help you build relationships in addition to your paid campaigns.

What is a paid PPC Google Ads campaign?

ppc campaign

Google Ads defines a paid PPC campaign (pay-per-click) as a type of paid marketing campaign. PPC is a billing model used for advertising campaigns on platforms. Advertisers are only charged when an Internet user clicks on an ad.

PPC campaigns are an excellent choice for real estate agents looking for highly qualified leads on the Internet. These ads are paid, which means you buy qualified traffic to find very specific leads. These leads are in addition to those obtained organically through natural referencing (SEO).

When a user enters a search term into Google, a list of sponsored (paid) links is displayed. When this user clicks, the advertiser pays the advertising agency for the clicks. If a click on your ad results in a sale or a highly qualified lead, the money you pay the ad platform is well spent.

Pay-per-click advertisements can be used in any type of real estate business, whether you are an independent agent, a real estate agency, or a real estate investor. This is a huge benefit for the advertiser in this case, real estate agents and businesses, because they only pay when a user clicks on an ad. This method of billing is very efficient and beneficial, especially for new real estate agents who want to generate more leads from the advertisements they post. Rather than simply showing an ad, you only pay for the most relevant clicks.

How does Google Ads work?

Google ads

Google Ads is undoubtedly the most well-known advertising platform for a real estate professional looking to begin with PPC campaigns.

The reason is simple: Google is the world’s most popular search engine, and Google has a significant impact on the real estate market. It is a popular way for buyers and sellers to find properties, agents, or real estate agencies in their area. In short, it is an excellent way to get quick results for your advertising campaigns.

Google PPC campaigns use an auction system. Each user establishes a bid and a budget for the keywords they select. Then, when a user searches for the keywords on which they have decided to position themselves, the Google algorithm displays the ad related to the keyword, depending on the type of match chosen by the advertiser. The display is also affected by several factors, including the quality of your landing page and the user experience it provides, the keywords used in your ad, the quality of your advertising copy, and the quality score of your ads.

The quality score is based on your click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, structure, and the keywords you use on your landing page to match the search terms.

The most important aspect remains keyword research, which will allow you to create effective advertisements that correspond to the search terms entered by prospects. Keyword research is a process that should be approached with caution. Furthermore, it is a continuous process that must be carried out because the terms that your audiences use change over time.

Build an extensive keyword list using a keyword research tool such as SEMrush or Ahrefs to position your ads at the top of the SERPs. Remember to keep this list up to date every month if you want to reach out to new audiences who might be interested in your services and offers.

Create and set up a campaign for the real estate agency.


Use your existing Gmail account or create one, and be sure to use and activate the “expert” mode and not the smart account that will be offered to you by default.

Choose the right campaign objective.

It is critical to select your campaign objective correctly in Google Ads. Defining a campaign objective helps the algorithm focus on what you want to achieve. Consider using either the “sales” or “prospects” objectives as part of a real estate lead generation campaign. Other goals, such as “website traffic” or “product and brand consideration,” will waste a lot of money for insignificant results.

Select “Prospects” as the campaign goal. By doing so, you are informing Google and the algorithm that the goal of your campaign is to convert traffic into leads. This will assist Google in showing your ads to genuine buyers who are more likely to fill out forms on your website.

Research Network.

Make sure to choose one of the two networks, “the search network” or “the display network,” when creating campaigns. Never mix the two networks because their audiences are completely different.

However, we strongly advise you to use the search network instead. Your ads will appear for the keywords you have chosen through the search network. You will have more control over the audiences you want to reach.

The conversion goal.

On the Google Ads platform, it is very important to configure conversions. A conversion occurs when a user interacts with your ad (such as clicking on a text ad or watching a video ad) and then performs an action that you’ve defined as valuable to your business (such as making a purchase online or calling your company from their mobile phone).

So, remember to choose the conversion objective that provides the most value and is almost certain to result in a sale.

Landing page.

Add your website to the campaign so that Google can see if your lead goal has been met. If you have a campaign-specific landing page, use that instead of the homepage. In the “Visits to the website” insert, the link is added just above the conversion objectives.

If you have specific and optimized landing pages for a campaign, enter the URL here instead of your root domain.

Postal Code Campaigns.

Creating campaigns by area, district, or city can be very interesting in the real estate sector to increase campaign profitability and optimize targeting for real estate prospecting campaigns.

Working in this manner can be especially effective if you are an agency working on a local scale.

Set your budget.

Select the budget that best fits and corresponds to the envelope you want to allocate to this acquisition channel in order to bring in new mandates. It depends on the market, the higher the cost per lead, the more competitive the market, and the lower the cost per lead, the less competitive the market. Furthermore, keep in mind that the design of your landing pages has an impact on your conversion rate. The cost per lead will be higher if your site is not optimized for conversion.

Ad Extensions.

Extensions provide additional information to your ad, enticing users to choose your products or services. They can boost an ad’s click-through rate by several percentage points.

Call buttons, geolocation information, additional links to specific pages on your website, additional text, and other features are examples of extensions. Extensions can significantly increase ad conversions.

Site extensions.

Site extensions are excellent extensions to use. When you create advertisements, it is critical that you activate them in order to optimize your campaigns and maximize the return on your advertising investments. Site extensions can sometimes generate more clicks than the ads themselves.

Call Extensions:

These Google Ads extensions allow users to call you by clicking on the ad. This type of extension is undoubtedly ineffective for real estate agents. However, when used properly, these extensions can provide a quick and easy way to get calls from highly qualified leads.

Tips for successful and profitable campaigns:


While all of these tips will help you create successful and profitable campaigns, Google Ads paid advertising cannot be improved. Indeed, if your account structure isn’t optimized, your campaigns can end up costing you a lot of money. Here are some additional suggestions to help your campaigns succeed:

  • Concentrate on the most profitable keywords
  • Develop optimized and high-quality landing pages
  • Select the appropriate lens
  • Plan a three-month distribution
  • Optimize your campaigns on a regular basis

Furthermore, it is ideal to entrust your campaigns to an expert company with knowledge of the real estate trades and, of course, Google certified for advertisement management. This is also true for Mukuba Consulting Services, which has extensive knowledge of digital marketing in the real estate industry.

The process of managing Internet leads differs from that of managing leads from other sources. The reason is simple: internet leads will necessitate more qualification work to ensure they are ready to act.

First, call leads who leave their contact information less than 24 hours after taking action. You must be responsive. You must be the first player they see, or they will move on to your competitors.

The sooner you contact them, the more likely it is that you will get an appointment with them and that they will become your customers.

If they don’t indicate a preferred channel, use the one they used to contact you. Your efforts should work together to increase your income.

Remember to follow up with them if they don’t provide any updates; your leads may be very busy and forget about you, but their need is always present. You must remain in their thoughts.

Getting a call from a lead is a big step, and these leads are usually easier to convert because they listen to you and see what you have to offer.

In conclusion:

The most important thing to remember about online lead generation for the real estate industry is that it takes time and a lot of testing to find the right formula. We recommend that you begin slowly and gradually improve through the tests available to you.

Also, be sure to experiment with your ad copy and sales funnel to see what works best. The mistake is to cut your campaigns before you have enough data to determine whether or not this or that ad or ad group was effective. Sometimes it’s a problem with targeting, sometimes with budget, and sometimes with positioning. You must devote time to determining what works and what does not.

The ultimate goal of these advertising actions is to build an automated qualified lead generation system that you can scale to increase the volume of leads and increase your turnover. Don’t be discouraged if results take time to appear. Advertising campaigns are long-term strategies that must be understood.

Don’t be misled into thinking that Google Ads should only be used in the short term. You can get quick results, but it may take some time and experimentation before you find a system that works for you and produces great results.


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