
How to Create an Engaging Tours and Tourism Agency Website in Kenya

How to Create an Engaging Tours and Tourism Agency Website in Kenya

It’s time for your tourism (or travel) agency to make your prospects travel by providing them with a name-worthy website! 

Discover all the tips you need to know to create an appealing website that entices visitors to travel and sets you apart from the competition.

Tourism /travel agencies: make your customers want to get away

travel agency

A website is the best tool for ensuring your online presence. Indeed, it is a true virtual brochure that presents all of your offers and can entice your visitors to use your services for their travel and getaway project.

Creating a website is thus one of the most important steps in the development of your tourism agency. By implementing all of the suggestions on this blog, you will have all of the keys in your hands to persuade your prospects and bring their project to life.

The advantages of creating a website for your tourism agency

website for your tourism agency

A website can be a trusted ally for your travel agency on a daily basis, in addition to attracting more customers. Its advantages are not insignificant:

Present your travel agency, your history and your assets

A website serves as a showcase for your business and the image of your tourism agency. Your visitors are interested in your products and services, but that’s not all.

They need to know your history, your expertise, and why your agency was founded in order for them to have complete trust in you. They’re probably curious about your team, if you have one, and why they’d call on you in particular.

Travel is most likely your passion, which you can share with your prospects. As a result, you must reassure them of your knowledge and skills, as well as demonstrate that you are the ideal service provider for their desire to escape.

The role of your website as a versatile marketing assistant

Once you’ve gained your prospects’ trust, you should give them the option to contact you. Your website is the most effective way for them to interact with you.

There are several ways to encourage them to act in this regard:

  • Make your service, trip, and destination catalogues available for download.
  • Provide a catalogue site where your destinations are presented as products.
  • Using the contact form or requesting a free quote
  • By subscribing to your newsletter, they will not miss out on any of your offers or news.
  • By displaying a calendar with your availability so that they can contact you by phone
  • By sending and receiving documents, such as catalogues on the destinations and offers you provide.

Remember to include a page for frequently asked questions (otherwise known as FAQs). It is also an excellent way to gain the trust of your prospects by responding to any questions they may have in a precise and qualified manner. (Refunds, destination information, information on your international partnerships, and so on.)

How to successfully create your travel agency website?

Tourism website

Developing a successful travel agency website necessitates the development of both common and unique criteria. This is what you’ll learn in this section.

Inspire wanderlust with extraordinary visuals.

Your editorial content and visuals both reflect a clear argument. Especially since your travel agency’s activity will be more solid thanks to images and photos that highlight your activity.

The following are the key elements that will entice people to visit your website:

  • The creation of visuals capable of piquing your visitors’ interest and seducing them.
  • Optimization of your brand image through the creation of a graphic charter that accurately represents your travel agency. By graphic charter, we mean the selection of colours and typography for your site, the creation of a distinct and cohesive logo for your activity, and an unparalleled UX/UI experience.
  • Your site’s functionalities must be tailored to your goals.
  • Highlighting your offers and services to demonstrate that you are the best travel agency to meet their needs.

The essential elements for a successful travel agency website

A website’s success is dependent on several key elements. Do not be afraid to use them to entice more visitors:

  • An online store: even if your travel agency’s main business is service provision, nothing prevents you from opening an e-shop: You can also sell your services as goods!
  • A personalised quote form: an excellent way to build a relationship with you and learn about the needs of your potential customers.
  • A schedule: your visitors may have additional questions for you. Demonstrate your availability and willingness to meet their needs.
  • Nothing beats a blog for demonstrating your expertise in your field. You can share your knowledge, experiences, and even news. Your prospects will be thrilled to read you and learn more about your qualifications.
  • Each destination has its own photo gallery.
  • Customer reviews are ideal for assuring and gaining the trust of your visitors.
  • Call-to-action buttons encourage visitors to call you, contact you, and learn more about your offers.

The basics: essential for any professional website

Beyond the editorial and visual aspects of your website, you must consider the fundamental elements that allow your site to project a truly professional image.

They are as follows:

  • Your domain name should be easy to remember for your visitors, stick in their minds, and, most importantly, be consistent with your activity.
  • A well-configured hosting environment.
  • Set up a security system to protect your website against common threats.
  • Creating a maintenance or recovery strategy.
  • The implementation of SEO goals: they must be planned before the creation of your website.
  • The development of a fully responsive website so that your visitors can find your offers from their tablet, smartphone, or computer.

How to choose your ideal service provider for the creation of your website?

You now understand everything you need to know to build a successful travel agency website. All you have to do is find a service provider who will meet your needs and expectations.

The choice between specialised web agencies and independent website creation experts is vast and difficult.

Several criteria must be considered to help you find the best service provider:

  • He must comprehend your requirements, goals, and project.
  • To demonstrate an interest in your field of endeavour.
  • He must be able to provide you with custom work that is consistent with your brand image.
  • Being able to design a modern, professional, and effective website to help you convert visitors into customers.
  • To provide you with the option of being accompanied throughout the creation of your website and even afterward.
  • Its proposal strength must allow you to highlight your expertise, offers, and visibility.

Your travel tourism at the centre of your communication strategy


Once your website is up and running, it will only be useful if it generates traffic. Visitors are required to publicise your offers. 

You will need to implement an effective communication strategy for this.

The perfect synergy of your website with social networks

Your social network presence increases your web presence. Because of the presence of buttons that refer to them, your website allows you to gain subscribers on your networks.

Social networks, on the other hand, represent a different communication strategy that can increase traffic to your website.

Indeed, networks enable you to communicate with your community on a daily basis. You can send them posts in a variety of formats, including:

They are thus an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your expertise on a daily basis and pique your subscribers’ interest in your offers.

Photos and videos of trips, getaways, and vacations are especially effective at attracting likes on social media. Make use of it.

Use inbound marketing to acquire new customers

In recent years, inbound marketing has been a huge success. This strategy allows you to attract qualified prospects in an indirect manner. How? By producing content.

This method is effective if you publish high-quality content that knows how to entice and persuade your prospects to call you. Social media platforms are an excellent place to implement an inbound marketing strategy. Your posts can demonstrate your expertise and demonstrate that you are the right tourism agency for your community.

Your blog is also an excellent way to generate leads and convert visitors into customers. It is linked to your personalised quote form as well as your contact form. It is your responsibility to share content that will set you apart and make a difference.

Improve the positioning of your website on search engines thanks to SEO

SEO for tourism agency

SEO is frequently a little-known and underutilised strategy among tourism companies. However, it can drive consistent traffic to your website.

Optimise the content of your pages and your blog

A good natural referencing is distinguished above all by the optimization of your site, pages, and blog. By optimising your content, you improve your chances of ranking at the top of search results.

If your site appears in the top results, it means that it is the answer to Internet users’ queries and can meet their needs. They will want to learn more about your offers by visiting your website.

There is an innovative technique that search engines highly value. This is a semantic cocoon. Take an interest in it if you want to improve the referencing of your website.

The SEO strategy is developed prior to the creation of your website. You can consult an expert or discuss this strategy with the service provider who will create your website.

Local referencing: common currency in the world of tourism and travel

local referrencing

Why look for customers on the internet when they are most likely very close to you? Your web presence is critical to the success of your travel agency, but don’t overlook local SEO.

Furthermore, “local” inquiries are common in the world of travel and tourism! For example, “tourism in Bali,” “travel in Egypt,” “tourist guide Australia,” and so on

As you may have guessed, local SEO presents you with two challenges:

  • Make yourself visible to those around you.
  • Make yourself visible to people looking for specific local destinations or activities that you provide.

You must be present wherever your prospects are looking for you. To accomplish this, employ a local SEO strategy:

  • Begin by creating a Google My Business account: the search engine collects your contact information, website, and travel agency location and then shares it with Internet users. The same is true for Microsoft’s search engine, Bing Addresses France.
  • Make yourself known to the local media so that they can spread the word about your travel agency in your area.
  • Get listed on all of the (high-quality) websites that provide directories of activities, vacations, and outings. Any collaboration is welcome!
  • Create content that responds to local search intentions.

How much does it cost to create a website for a travel agency?

website cost

The services in terms of website creation depend on different criteria. Using an agency will differ from using a freelance web developer.

Ask yourself the following questions as they will determine the price for the creation of the website.

  • Would you like to request the creation of your site from a specialised agency or a freelancer?
  • Would you like a custom site or a premade theme?
  • Do you plan to set up maintenance?
  • What type of support do you prefer?
  • Do you need advice?


To summarise, developing a website for your tourism and travel agency can be a difficult task, but with the right guidance, it can be a rewarding experience that leads to increased visibility, engagement, and, ultimately, conversions. 

This article’s main takeaway is that your website should be designed with the user in mind. It should be simple to use, visually appealing, and contain useful information that will assist potential customers in making informed decisions about their travel plans.

It’s also important to remember that your website should be search engine optimised so that your target audience can easily find you. This includes incorporating relevant keywords into the content, Meta tags, and descriptions of your website, as well as using a clean code structure that loads quickly.

Another important tip for developing a successful tourism and travel website is to use social media and other digital marketing channels to drive traffic and engage with your target audience

Creating and sharing high-quality content on social media platforms, running targeted advertising campaigns, and building email lists to stay in touch with your customers are all examples of this.

Overall, developing a website for your tourism and travel agency necessitates meticulous planning, attention to detail, and a dedication to providing an exceptional user experience. 

You can create a website that not only attracts potential customers but also keeps them coming back for more by following the tips outlined in this article.


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  1. November 15, 2023, 5:10 pm

    […] first thing people see when they come to your site is your web design. This would give the user an opinion about your business. The design of the site matters a lot in […]

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