
Leverage Online PR

Leverage Online PR

Public Relations (PR) constitutes an essential element in any effective marketing approach. Although this traditional approach of public relations via offline means of print media may still be viable, however, the advent of the Internet has also created countless doors to new approaches in online PR so as to reach broad audiences and foster brand equity.

The aim of this article is to give details on ways in which businesses may improve search engine positions by employing a number of different internet public relations techniques and strategies so as to generate higher site traffic as well as greater awareness over brand names or products.

Understand the Importance of Online PR

online PR

Firstly, although it’s crucial, it’s necessary to define what exactly makes online PR so essential for business in the digital era and later on move towards identifying specific tactics. Here are a few key reasons:

Wider reach

This implies that an online platform opens up doors that will let you reach out globally without being confined by geographical boundaries. Traditional PR is limited by the use of physical distribution of printed materials; however, with the website, you have an audience all over the world as long as one possesses an Internet connection.

Increased discoverability

Getting backlinks or mentions for your website helps your site pop up earlier in SERPs. It will also increase the probability that your target audience will locate you through web searches that they make on the solutions.

Credibility and trust


Being mentioned at authoritative sites for your field helps improve brand awareness and build trust among prospective purchasers. The importance of third-party endorsements and reviews has come to surpass that of self-praised. Social proof means that people believe your business is trustworthy because of online mentions.

Engagement metrics

Quantifiable metrics such as the count of links, social shares, and backlinks generated by online PR can be tracked. This is why they help in assessing how useful certain strategies are. Therefore, optimization should be around whatever gets more clicks and eyeballs.

Low cost

low cost

While certain online PR services may incur costs, many tactics have a relatively low budget requirement compared to traditional advertising and marketing. You can get started with basic blogs, social media, and link-building without large investments.

So in summary, the opportunities that online PR provides in terms of reach, discoverability, credibility, and affordable testing/optimization make it a crucial part of any modern marketing strategy. Leveraging the right tactics can deliver great ROI for businesses.

Key Online PR Tactics to Implement


Now let’s dive deeper into some specific online PR tactics that businesses should leverage

Blog Content Marketing

Creating great blog content is one of the most impactful PR tactics for establishing thought leadership and bringing in qualified traffic. Businesses should focus on publishing at least 1-2 well-optimized articles per week across multiple topics relevant to the audience.

Each blog post should be 500+ words and include visuals like images, videos, infographics, or charts. Proper keyword research and internal linking help the content rank. Headlines are crucial – A/B tests different variants. Promote new posts across social profiles and include a call-to-action whenever possible. 

Track engagement metrics like time on page or shares to evaluate performance. Common challenges include writer’s block or struggling to find topics at scale. Leverage team members’ diverse expertise or curated industry newsletters to continuously feed ideas.

Social Media Engagement

social media engagemnt

Engaging communities on top networks helps raise awareness cost-effectively. Consistency is key – post at least 3-5 times per week mixing different formats. Visual content like Instagram Stories or Facebook Live videos achieve high engagement. 

Learn your follower demographics to match tone and topics. Interact authentically via comments. Run promotional contests or creative challenges for user-generated content

Track metrics like follower growth, likes, shares, or Direct Message conversations started monthly. Platform algorithm changes can impact organic reach – test promoted posts. Maintain a social media calendar and approval process to stay fresh.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is one of the most effective link-building tactics. Identify 50-100 high authority sites in your vertical that regularly accept guest posts. Stand out by fully researching each publisher’s submission process and guidelines. Craft articles unique from your own blog around 750-1500 words. 

Thoroughly optimize posts with target keywords. Provide a high-resolution headshot and a short bio. Politely follow up after submission and comment/share approved pieces. Build relationships with editors over time. Track links, social shares, and visits from each published guest post. Landing spots may close – stay updated.

Link Building

backlink building

Incorporating natural link opportunities in all digital PR encourages search rankings. Create a high-quality profile across directories, local listing sites, and citation pages. Network at industry events or through active communities – offer quality resources in return for links. Collaborate on evergreen topic roundups or case studies. 

Develop compelling visual or interactive assets worth embedding or mentioning. Track metrics like backlink volume, referring domains, and top placements monthly. Be patient – links expire or strategies stop working – assess periodically. Industry changes or policy shifts require adapting techniques.

Video Marketing

Publish weekly videos showcasing tips, product demonstrations, or interviews across YouTube, your website, and social profiles. Invest in quality production gear or work with a freelance videographer. Transcribe and include closed captions.

 Optimize each upload with relevant keywords, descriptions, tags, and playlists for discoverability. Promote new videos on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Analyze metrics like views, average watch time, and shares with tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ. Retarget video viewers on Facebook or Google with complementary offers. Repurpose top clips into quotesheets or an ebook.

Press Release distribution

Draft and distribute press releases on important milestones, events, product launches, executive appointments, new data/findings, partnerships, and other noteworthy company/offering updates. 

Send via newswires like GlobeNewswire or Business Wire which pick them up for mainstream journalists and bloggers. Format in a newsworthy way and include key details like quotes, stats, and corporate logos.

Awards, features, and mentions

Apply for industry awards, competitions, and rankings that bring positive third-party validation. Also keep promoting accredited customer success stories, interesting facts about the business or positive media/analyst mentions through your PR channels to build authority. Send industry publications timely and relevant story ideas along with quality assets to increase your chances of getting covered organically.

Referral and affiliate marketing

A lesser-explored area of online PR is referral programs, where happy clients can earn rewards for recommending your business to their networks. Similarly, influencer or affiliate marketing programs allow popular bloggers and websites in your niche to promote you and earn commissions, generating new organic links and publicity. Just ensure any promotions comply with FTC guidelines.

Social selling and reviews

Encourage current customers to post reviews about their experiences on platforms like Google, Facebook, etc. to boost credibility through social proof. Customer testimonials or case studies shared via social media can drive prospective leads as well. You can also repurpose positive reviews into your own marketing collateral, guest posts, or press releases with permission.

Measure Effectiveness and Optimize PR Efforts


To maximize returns, tracking the right metrics is crucial. Here are some key performance indicators to monitor regularly:

  • Website Traffic – Analyze sources like organic search, social networks, or referring domains/pages monthly in Google Analytics. Set benchmarks and identify underperforming channels.
  • Backlinks – Use Moz Local or Ahrefs regularly to track links built, their quality scores, and top placements. Aim to gain 10-15 quality, root domain links monthly.
  • Social Engagement – Facebook Insights, TweetDeck or CrowdTangle reveal follower growth rates, top posts, shares, and mentions over time on each platform.
  • Content Performance – Assess blog and video views, shares, download conversions, and average session duration in Google Analytics. Continually optimize underperformers.
  • PR Placements – Document media mentions, features, and interviews secured in a Google Sheet or Meltwater alert. Track reach from each.
  • Reviews – Monitor organic customer ratings and feedback on Google, Facebook, or reputation sites like Trustpilot. Address issues rapidly.
  • Referral Sources – Identify the strongest referral programs or affiliate partners driving the most conversions each quarter in your analytics dashboard.

Analyze these numbers periodically and identify under-performing efforts for improvement while doubling down on top strategies. Also, A/B test new tactics or content formats and assess user behavior changes through analytics. Finally, streamline operations by prioritizing the highest ROI channels for sustainable long-term growth.


In conclusion, online PR delivers immense business value when done right. Consistently creating helpful content, engaging communities, forging strategic links, and monitoring relevant metrics enables marketers to stay closely connected with their target buyers. The increased awareness, trust and search presence then translate directly to new customers over months and years.

Top-performing brands optimize their efforts not based on hunches but real data from analytics. They continuously test format changes or channel pivots. While patience and perseverance are required, prioritizing the highest ROI PR tactics according to goals is key. Automating mundane tasks leaves more time for creatively growing conversations.

Overall, implementing a full stack of regularly refreshed online PR tactics forms the backbone of leading companies’ growth strategies today. Any business ignoring the importance of digital visibility risks losing ground competitively. With commitment and the right tools, even bootstrapped solopreneurs can leverage PR effectively to scale their reach globally online.


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