How To Increase Your Conversion Rates

There are many things we can do to improve the conversion rate of our websites.

Whatsapp Marketing in Kenya

WhatsApp has proven to be an incredible marketing tool if used correctly. It can be used for customer service, resolving queries, tracking progress, and building relationships.

User Generated Content in Kenya

User-generated content, or UGC in short, is any form of unpaid or unsponsored content that is posted by users across different networks about a specific brand. These forms of contents are:

Search Terms Report

Google defines Search Term Report (STR) or Search Query Report (SQR) as “A list of search terms that people have used before seeing your ad and clicking it.”

Social Media Strategy in Kenya

Social media strategies are only successful if the content that is created is shared amongst the users on the platform.

Quality Score in 2023 in Kenya

Quality Score (QS) is a metric that Google came up with for anyone who wants to advertise on its platform.

Online Advertising in Kenya – How to Make the Most of It

Online Adverting or Online Marketing or Internet Advertising or Web advertising or Digital Marketing is a way of marketing and advertising through the internet.

Jewellery Digital Marketing in Kenya

These days every jeweller needs to have a digital presence selling their wares online. Now the same jeweller is competing with local, national and in some instances international retailers.

Increasing your Instagram Followers in 2023

Here are a few tips on how to grow your Instagram account.

Guest Blogging in Kenya

Guest blogging like most things require a lot of time to succeed. You will not make it by having one post in a bigger website.

Google Ads Keyword Match Types

The reason why Google is phasing out broad match modifier is that it is saying that through machine learning they are able to improve on matching keywords.

Google has several ad formats to choose from: • Search ads • Display ads • Video ads • Shopping ads • App downloads ads

Facebook Audience

Creating an audience is the only way you can advertise on Facebook. Facebook unlike Google doesn’t let you target people on keywords and isn’t intent based. You target your Facebook audience by using demographics, interest, and behaviours.

Facebook Ad Placements in Kenya

Facebook being no slouch they know that their ads must be in the best places for people to consume them. Prompting the users to act on the marketing messages to buy goods and services or become leads. With that Facebook provides different ad placement options.

Ecommerce SEO in Kenya

We all know the value of being page one of Google. And more importantly the value of being on the number spot. That is why Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is especially important for all search engines (Bing, Google & Yahoo).

Kenya decided to introduce a digital service tax (DST) in 2019. Parliament passed the Finance Act 2019 (FA 2019) and made amendments to the Income Tax Act in 2019. The tax was said that any income accrued in Kenya through transactions across a digital marketplace s